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Senator Chuck Grassley Plans To Run For Reelection in Iowa


There were tons of rumors that Republicans would have to nominate a new candidate for the 2022 midterm elections in the State of Iowa. It seems as if that speculation has turned out to be very wrong. Senator Chuck Grassley will plan to run for another term in Iowa, pretty much taking any chance that the Democrats had of picking up the seat and eliminating it completely.

Grassley has always comfortably won his elections in Iowa. Democrats had hope that Republicans would have to nominate a new candidate and spend tons of time and money defending the seat. 

With Grassley’s announcement, that certainly won’t have to happen and Republicans can spend time and money elsewhere trying to gain seats in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Chuck Grassley will attempt to be reelected to the U.S. Senate at 88 years of age. If he wins reelection, it will be his eighth term in office. Republicans are trying to gain seats in the evenly-split Senate in 2022. They are already overwhelming favorites to win a majority in the House of Representatives due to redistricting and the historical trends that suggest minority parties perform exceptionally well in the midterms. 

If Republicans were to win the Senate and the House of Representatives, it would make it nearly impossible for Joe Biden to get his agenda through congress. 

Iowa will be one less battleground state to worry about with Grassley deciding to run for another term. While there are no guarantees, Grassley is already expected to easily be reelected and his decision to run for reelection will save Republicans a lot of time and effort in Iowa. These resources can now instead be spent elsewhere in another battleground state.

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