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Larry Elder Pledges To Focus on Homelessness If Elected California Governor


Larry Elder continues to be the most-likely replacement to Gavin Newsom if he is successfully recalled from his office on September 14th. Many people are wondering what items could be on Larry Elder’s agenda after he admitted that he believes the ‘ideal minimum wage is $0.00’.

Would Elder get rid of the minimum wage in California? He says ‘absolutely not’. Elder continued to assure Californians that repealing the minimum wage is not even close to being on his agenda.

According to Elder, he would declare a state of emergency on the homelessness crisis taking place across California. He would attempt to find new ways to develop low cost programs and invest in programs that would get mentally ill homeless citizens off the streets and into a recovery facility.

It’s true that homelessness is an emergency in California and it’s shocking that Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom hasn’t prioritized the crisis in more meaningful ways. While it’s true that the homelessness crisis isn’t directly related to the recall petition that has forced this special election, the significant amount of homeless encampments spreading across California is certainly a wakeup call for many traditional voters that have been loyal to the Democratic Party.

Early mail-in ballot returns suggest that the Democrats have the opening edge, which is to be expected. Republicans are expected to close the gap when early in-person voting starts and Republicans always perform very well on election day.

If homelessness is going to be the top priority on Elder’s agenda, many are wondering what other items might be a priority on his agenda, if elected. Elder has suggested that promoting forest management to contain future wildfires is an important step that Gavin Newsom has failed on. California continues to see horrific wildfires in the Northern territories of the state every single year.

In addition, Elder has pledged to repeal mask and vaccine mandates for state workers and would make a strong case to the private industry to repeal any active requirements in this category. One could probably imagine that California would begin to look a whole lot like Florida, especially since Elder’s beliefs on the handling of COVID-19 are very similar to DeSantis’ active

In a few days, in-person voting will begin and that process will continue all the way up to election day. Voting facilities will be open across California until September 14th. Voters will likely have a clear idea of who their next governor will be on September 14th if Newsom is successfully recalled. Only time will tell if there’s truly enough support out there to recall Governor Newsom for his handling of California over the last two years.

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