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Caitlyn Jenner Launches Campaign For 2021’s California Gubernatorial Recall


Just when you think the political climate in California can’t get any crazier, Caitlyn Jenner launches an official campaign for the 2021 California Recall Election that will more than likely take place later this year as millions of verified signatures come in from citizen’s that wish to recall Governor Newsom. 

While it remains unlikely that Newsom would actually be successfully recalled, a significant name like Caitlyn Jenner could actually bring some bad news towards Gavin Newsom because of the incredible amount of name recognition. California citizens have already shown that they are fed up with stay-at-home orders and business restrictions related to the COVID-19 lockdowns. It’s not the craziest thing in the world to think that voters would cast their ballots in favor of a recall with significant alternatives available.

Caitlyn Jenner is running as a Republican and could have a significant chance of winning if Newsom is recalled. Jenner would be the nation’s first transgender ever to serve as a governor of a state. It would be significant, considering that California is almost the most populous state in the entire country with more than 39 million people living there. 

The real question comes down to whether voters think Caitlyn Jenner can actually win the election. This isn’t anything even close to a regular election. This election will be an extremely rare recall format where hundreds of candidates could run. If the recall passes, any one of the countless candidates that will be on the ballot could theoretically win. If Jenner has the most name recognition and narrowly defeats all of the remaining candidates, then it’s not crazy to think that she could become the California Governor after a successful recall of Gavin Newsom. 

Jenner winning the election would give Republicans control of California until the midterm elections. It would be a significant change for a state that has continued to shift in favor of the Democrats for the last two and a half decades. Democrats are starting to fear that Newsom may be on a sinking ship and the popularity of someone like Caitlyn Jenner certainly won’t help Newsom’s chances if a recall election takes place in November of this year.

 There’s still a long way to go before the recall election actually takes place and there’s no way of knowing which candidates may enter the race between now and the election. With that being said, Caitlyn Jenner’s candidacy should not be ignored because there’s a very real chance that she’s going to be a serious contender for the governorship. 

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