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The history of using essential oils and their aromas to improve health and well-being dates back thousands of years. Like today, patients would inhale or topically apply these oils,...

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News & Finance

Should family members be in charge of family businesses? We analyzed 175 studies to understand when having a family CEO pays off

From Hermes to Smuckers to the fictional Waystar Royco of HBO’s “Succession,” family businesses often choose their CEOs from the ranks of kin. But...

Can states prevent doctors from giving emergency abortions, even if federal law requires them to do so? The Supreme Court will decide

Hospitals across the country have long operated under the same federal law that says they must treat and stabilize all patients when they have...

What you eat could alter your unborn children and grandchildren’s genes and health outcomes

Within the last century, researchers’ understanding of genetics has undergone a profound transformation. Genes, regions of DNA that are largely responsible for our physical...

Teacher lawsuits over forced grade inflation won’t fix unfair grading – here’s what could

After refusing to give some students grades they hadn’t earned, high school chemistry teacher Toni Ognibene sued the Clovis Unified School District in California...



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6 ways AI can make political campaigns more deceptive than ever

Political campaign ads and donor solicitations have long been deceptive. In 2004, for example, U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry, a Democrat, aired an ad...

Can chatbots write inspirational and wise sermons?

When several hundred Lutherans in Bavaria, Germany, attended a service on June 9, 2023, designed by ChatGPT, the program not only selected hymns and...
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