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The CDC’s Conditional Sailing Order is Now Voluntary

The CDC’s extension of the Framework for Conditional Sailing Order ended on January 15, making the program voluntary for all cruise ships operating in U.S. waters. Cruise travel is the riskiest form of travel, according to the CD. Still, measures in the Conditional Sailing Order allowed the ships to prevent high levels of Covid-19 infection, which prevented overwhelm in medical facilities on ship and onshore.

The program enrolls ships in a color status system, which allows the CDC to monitor the level of infection on each vessel and investigate accordingly.  The guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are crucial for travelers. Hopefully, after seeing the benefits of this program, cruise lines will still participate. The choice will also help passengers determine which cruise lines care about their health and safety and safety.

In 2020, we saw severe levels of infection on cruise ships when hundreds of people at a time were sick and dying in close quarters. Passengers and staff want to avoid these disasters again, as they can be traumatizing. Plus, who wants to book a cruise where your chances of catching a deadly disease are exponentially increased? These safety measures are not only for your health, but they ensure that you enjoy your vacation.

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