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3 Tips For Improving The Quality Of Your Modern Dating Life


Positive relationships are a cornerstone to modern health and wellness. In some ways, humans have never been more connected, i.e., the internet and social media. 

But in some ways, humans have also never been more disconnected.

The truth is that most people report that they’re not pleased with how their dating lives are currently going. In fact, according to Pew Research, most daters say that their dating lives ‘aren’t going well’ and that ‘it’s difficult to find people to date.’ 

And like it or not, the quality of our relationships has a profound effect on the quality of the rest of our lives. 

Therefore, there’s nothing wrong with being single; but having a good, healthy, positive dating life can bring you a lot of happiness and help you to feel your best. 

So here are some tips for how to make your modern dating life that much better. 

1. Work On Yourself 

There’s an old saying that says “beautiful people experience the most romance.”

And it tends to be true.

Human attraction is based mostly on fertility and survival. 

In other words, people instinctively want attractive partners who make their lives better.

To maximize your attractiveness, start taking better care of yourself, working out, eating healthy foods, and cutting out junk food. 

Learn to spruce up your style a bit, how to apply a bit of makeup, and how to fix your hair. 

These small adjustments can go a long way toward making you look more appealing to other attractive people in your social circles. 

2. Expand Your Social Circles

You could be the most attractive man or woman on the planet. 

But if you never leave your house or spend time with other humans, you’ll never score a date.

So get out and meet people.

  • Accept invites to dinners and happy hours. 
  • Join a group. 
  • Take a class. 
  • You can even download some dating apps and give them a try.

The idea here is simple: 

The more people you meet, the more likely you’ll be to meet a person who might be an awesome dating prospect. 

3. Take A Chance

Most of us, at some point in time, have passed up on the opportunity to strike up a conversation or ask someone out, perhaps out of sheer nervousness that we would be rejected. 

But here’s the thing. 

Fortune favors the bold. 

And to be honest, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with walking up to someone you think is attractive, and just starting a polite conversation. 

You don’t have to be goal oriented. 

Just introduce yourself and ask them some relevant questions that make sense in the context of the situation to start some kind of dialogue. 

If you start to feel a bit of chemistry, consider asking them for their number.

Or at the very least, leave your card. 

Dating is mostly about connection

But in order to facilitate connection, we sometimes have to take a risk, walk up to someone, and start the conversation. 

Sure, it can be scary because we don’t want to be rejected. 

But at the end of the day, if we never take those risks, we’ll never get the chance to date the awesome, beautiful people we’re most attracted to. 

In Conclusion

There you have it. 

Three steps to take your modern dating life to a whole new level. 

Work on these steps every day, and you’ll begin the process of greatly increasing the quality of your dating life, which will, in turn, provide a serious boost to your overall life happiness and well being.

Don’t be nervous. Get out there and make it happen. You got this.

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