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Fewer Americans Are Having Sex – Why Is It Happening?


According to a recent CNN news report, fewer Americans are having sex, living together, and getting married than ever before. 

This may seem to make sense when you take into account the recent Covid pandemic and lockdowns. But the truth is that this is just another stepping stone in a downward trend that’s been happening since the end of the 1980s. 

Listen to just a few of these statistics: 

So, why is this happening?

Why are humans having less sex?

Also, is this a bad thing—or are these numbers not such a big deal?

Let’s dive into it. 

A General Assessment Of The Situation

First of all, there are basically two schools of thought about why these numbers strike an unhealthy and/or potentially problematic chord. 

First off, less sex means less human intimate connection. 

And secondly, it means fewer children, fewer families, and an increasingly aging population. 

This goes right in line with the trend of declining birth rates in the United States—and it’s absolutely true that these statistics are probably linked in a number of different ways. 

Now, as for a cause behind having less sex—well, it’s hard to pinpoint it. 

It’s possible that more and more people are focusing on their careers. 

It’s also possible that, since we live in a more ‘digitized age,’ fewer and fewer people are interacting in person. Thus, less sex is bound to happen when humans need to literally go ‘out of their way’ to pursue sexual relations. 

The big question is this:

Are the people who aren’t having sex happy about it? Or do they wish that they were having more of it?

At the end of the day, we’re all responsible for our own happiness and fulfillment in life. So if you’re not super happy about your current dating/sex/intimacy situation, it may benefit you to set yourself to the task of trying to figure out how to iron out the problems and find greater success in this important area of life. 

Increasing your odds for success in the dating world isn’t always easy. But as with any problem, it may just take some research, fact-finding, and a solid plan to figure out.

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